Hello everyone,
I would love to say it was all part of a brilliantly coordinated plan... but no one would believe it. Nor should they. It would be a whopping fib.
Today is an auspicious day, which has served up three amazing coincidences 🤯
It’s exactly a year ago we opened up the We Are In Beta community 📅
Last night we reached 10,000 members 🚀
Today we launch Series 4 of the podcast🎙️
None of this would be possible without you engaging with our work.
Thank you.
We - schools - Are In Beta - always learning.
Series 4: Stories of change - listen to what’s in store.
The podcast shares stories from schools so we can learn from their experience and challenge our thinking.
In season 4 there will be eight stories of change...changing the people around us… changing the systems and… changing our minds.
Listen to the trailer at the top of this post for a sneak peek of what’s in store.
Subscribe to the right feed so you don’t miss a thing.
If you subscribed to earlier series of the We Are In Beta podcast you *may* have subscribed via the newsletter.
Series 4 won’t be available on that old feed.
So make sure you subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc.
🎧 Listen to episode 1 - Through the Blackwall
Yamina Bibi is an Assistant Headteacher at Forest Gate Community School. She grew up in the majority Bangladeshi area of Tower Hamlets.
When her family moved to Canary Wharf things changed. 9/11 happened and the overt racism began.
When she became a teacher years later, she didn’t go back to Tower Hamlets, she went to teach in Lewisham. It was in Lewisham where the prejudice she faced as a kid was still present in her students.
This time she made it her responsibility to teach them, not only about English, but how to treat people with respect.
Help Yamina’s story get heard - share this tweet

Thanks for reading.
Speak soon.
@NiallAlcock and the We Are In Beta team
🆕 New here? Catch up with previous editions, podcasts and webinars via the archive
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