Over the course of their careers, the Headteacher of Hawkswood Primary PRU (Pupil Referral Unit), Marie Gentles and her deputy, Katie L'Aimable, have begun to see patterns that their mainstream colleagues don’t.
They’ve gone from seeing students’ behaviour as isolated events to understanding that all behaviour is communication. Marie and Katie tell us what they’ve learned about what some behaviours are communicating and why understanding the root of behaviour is so critical.
The results are astounding.

(Lucy Mattison, Katie L’Aimable & Marie Gentles of Hawkswood Primary PRU)
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The best ‘In Beta’ bits
Every episode, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve faced so you can learn from them too.
In next week’s newsletter Marie and Katie share:
The research that’s been fundamental to their approach and the impact it’s had on their students’ progress.
The book that’s had the biggest impact on Marie’s career.
The service Marie and Katie could not do without but believe is hugely undervalued.
A taster of their oversubscribed popular training programme.
If you’d like to get these resources direct to your inbox next week hit the subscribe button below.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for playing your part in making education the place we all know it can be.
Speak soon,
What you are up to—positivity from the We Are In Beta community
As listener and subscriber numbers grow, the Community News section has grown too. If you’re a new subscriber, I’ve been running this as part of the podcast release posts and the podcast resources posts.
As promised last week, I’m going to trial it as it’s own post next week. Let me know what you think.
Want to share your news? Let me know here. I’ll include it and tweet if I can.
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