This is the free We Are In Beta Podcast Newsletter - written by me, Niall Alcock. We - the education community - Are In Beta - always learning. Sign up to learn how school leaders are tackling big issues in schools.
Series 2 of the We Are In Beta Podcast is here!
This week…
Leann Swaine was the Associate Headteacher of East Barnet School when she wanted to make a change. One day she was in the school corridor when an event inspired her to go on the journey to make the school phone free. East Barnet is a mixed secondary with 1400 students. It’s a school big enough to make tasks like “going phone free” seem daunting.
In this episode Leann tells us how she prepared her staff and students for the upcoming change.
Want to know what happens?
Grab a cuppa, go out for a jog or enjoy the commute. Tune in. All feedback welcome.
Whether you believe phones should be banned from schools or not, this is a fascinating case study of change.

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👀 Read the full transcription 📖
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet @Leann_Swaine and @NiallAlcock. We’d love to know what you think.
The best ‘In Beta’ bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that captures the knowledge of inspiring school leaders so we can all keep learning.
Every episode, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve faced so you don’t miss out on them - the presentations, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
Since her interview Leann has kindly agreed to share:
The slides she used to communicate the big change initiative to staff and students.
The leadership model she uses to help plan any organisational change.
Her favourite piece of educational research and why.
The book that’s had the biggest impact on her career to date and why.
The one service she couldn’t do without.
More insight into EBS’s Robotics Department and the national award won recently by her colleague Steve Sadler. The ceremony was broadcast on BBC2 on Saturday, October 26, as “Britain’s Classroom Heroes”.
If you’d like to access these resources via your inbox next week…
Thanks for playing your part in making education the place we all know it can be.
Speak soon,
What you are up to—news from the We Are In Beta community
Mark Lehain is taking on new challenges having run PTE and the Phone Free School Campaign for the last couple of years. Good luck.
William Lau runs a website with free resources for teaching computer science. He also has some physical teaching resources you can buy.
Kat Howard, in her new book, offers pragmatic perspective on teacher workload and what we can do to keep teachers in the profession.
Emma Sheppard invites you to join the Maternity Teacher Paternity Teacher Project, which inspires, empowers and connects teachers choosing to complete CPD whilst on parental leave.
Holly Power matches experienced teachers with schools that can offer flexible working through with Return To Teach.
Rae Snape is on the hunt for supporters, sponsors and attendees for #CambsEdFest 2020 - an annual celebration of education to encourage us all as #RadicalOptimists to be "flamingosofhope" and not “lemmings of despair”.
Joe Treacy of the Chartered College of Teaching is offering a free CPD pack on curriculum design ready for a staff meeting. Just download.
Alexandros Ayeni runs range of bespoke courses and workshops support and facilitate the process of overcoming barriers to whole-person development.
Adam Bones is hosting a range of free twilight events with key educational thinkers and leaders at hi school. First up: Sam Sims on instructional coaching. Tuesday 29th October
Sarah Worth is asking some of the toughest questions of the profession at Included Teacher Conferences Saturday 2nd and Saturday 9th November.
Naomi Ward offers a personal development courses in a group setting comprising of five 90 minute group coaching calls in the evening and support from a coach throughout.
BAMEed Network are running their 3rd birthday conference: Keeping Resolutions. Jan 18th 2020. Tickets here.
Niall Alcock ;) is wondering if you are an empathetic, curious, values-driven, story-finding, relationship-building, educationalist who'd like to help grow the #weareinbeta community so we can champion more schools & share more positivity and growth. Application deadline soon.
More next time.
Want to share your news? Let me know here. I’ll include next time and tweet if I can.
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