Hello listeners!
I am very excited to release episode #2 of the We Are In Beta Podcast. Thank you to all you shared the episode and joined the conversation on Twitter.
In this episode I speak to Elroy Cahill, the newly appointed headteacher at Kingsley Academy in Hounslow.

So, take a break or schedule some time on your commute:
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Why are people loving this episode?

What do we talk about in the podcast?
How one teacher transformed Elroy’s view on education when he was going down the wrong road
What he thinks would be a grave error in relation to the new Ofsted framework
What Ofsted should do in circumstances of inappropriate off-rolling
Why he thinks morally driven leadership is important
Why is he thinks coaching is so important and where best to access it, often for free
His initial scepticism about a pilot project that has been having a huge impact on teacher development
How to set up live lesson coaching effectively
The one question he would ask every headteacher is he could
How the worlds of Lego and Ofsted can collide
How recent education documentaries could influence the electorate and shape the future of education.
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet us @NiallAlcock and @elroy_cahill and @KingsleyAcadHT. We’d love to know what you think.
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The best In Beta bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that aims to capture the knowledge of inspiring school leaders.
As a thank you for being a valued member of the community, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve face so you don’t miss out on them - the partnerships, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
So what came up via Elroy’s interview?
Where you can access coaching opportunities for free…
… if you are a woman leading in education…
…a BAME educator (useful Tweet here and key contact here) or…
…from the LGBT educator community. You can access a FULLY funded leadership programme here.
Not just one but two of Elroy’s coaches, who supported him through the good times and the bad
A platform that signposts leadership coaches in eduction
An excellent blog about how to carry out live lesson coaching effectively
An expert recommended by the community who has done a great deal of work around in ear coaching and taken part in academic research into its effectiveness
A list of schools you might want to connect with who might be able to share their experiences of live lesson coaching with you
Research into the effectiveness of in ear lesson coaching, with balanced conclusions and advice for coaches
Get involved in the community
🙋 If you’d like tell your story or nominate a school with an incredible story to tell check out the topics we’ll be exploring or tweet me @niallalcock
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