Hello We Are In Beta-ers!
Fist off, welcome to all the new members of the community. It’s great to have you on board.
I'm thrilled to release of episode #3 of the We Are In Beta Podcast - an interview with the Evelyn Forde, Headteacher of Copthall School in Barnet, where she issue a powerful call to arms.

So, take a break or schedule some time on your commute:
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👀 Read the full transcription 📖
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What do we talk about in the podcast?
How Evelyn’s daughters inspired her to make a change
How she overcame the odds to secure her dream role at Copthall
How she led the school to achieve exceptional results
How she improved teaching and learning through incremental coaching
What she is doing to improve staff wellbeing
How she involved the local community in developing the school’s culture
Which headlines do headteachers a disservice and why
How performance tables can actually deter schools from off-rolling rather than encourage them to
The one question she would like to ask every headteacher if she could
What excites her about the future of education and why
How running for presidency always make her smile, even when she’s feeling a bit down
Since recording, Evelyn has been featured in excellent Guardian article:
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet us @NiallAlcock and @EvelynForde1. We’d love to know what you think.
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The best In Beta bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that aims to capture the knowledge of inspiring school leaders.
As a thank you for being a valued member of the community, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve face so you don’t miss out on them - the partnerships, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
So what came up in Evelyn’s interview?
The teaching and learning policy that led to rapid improvements at Copthall
The charity Evelyn works with to improve the life chances of the minority community focusing on the black Africans
The external consultant Copthall worked with to develop Deeper Learning
The national programme and the national charity Copthall work with to support initial teacher development
The company Evelyn works with on areas like timetabling, coaching, teaching and learning, budget and attendance.
The leadership programme that gave her the confidence and skills to pursue headship and where she met the company above.
The code of practice that Copthall abides by to ensure all students’ needs are met. Jump to page 276 for some recommended sources of support for improving practice and staff training.
The new guidance about the disproportionate effect that a small number of extremely negative progress scores can have on a school’s average. Pages 9 and 49 in particular.
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