Hello listeners!
This is the last update for a break over Easter. I hope you’ve got great plans. Thank you to all of you have been sharing the podcast and this newsletter! I really appreciate it :)
In the latest episode (#4) of the We Are In Beta Podcast, Will Smith, Chief Exec at Greenshaw Learning Trust - where he talks about making things simple.

So, take a break or schedule some time on your commute:
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👀 Read the full transcription 📖
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What do we talk about in the podcast?
How acids and alkalis altered his life direction
What everyone at Greenshaw is entitled to
What impact changes to the Ofsted framework will have
How he re-defines accountability
The organisations that you probably think about that MATs are accountable to
The leader mindset shift he thinks is required in the system
His trust’s statement of intent around inclusivity
The other side of the exclusions debate he thinks should be recognised
How he works to embody the culture of the organisation and who helped him realise it
The strategies Greenshaw uses to value staff
What they ask schools to stop doing when they start working with them
The best CPD initiative he has ever pursued
Why he has found himself in car parks with tears in his eyes
The one question he says he would ask every head if he could
How Greenshaw has developed a healthy pipeline of new leadership talent into the trust
Why he thinks the politicisation of education is a problem
How one parent changed him forever using a bucket!
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet us @NiallAlcock and @MrWill_Smith . We’d love to know what you think.
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The best In Beta bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that aims to capture the knowledge of inspiring school leaders.
As a thank you for being a valued member of the community, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve face so you don’t miss out on them - the partnerships, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
So what came up in Will’s interview?
The Greenhaw Trust and the schools it oversees, which Will believes employ some of the best teachers in the world. Worth connecting with and visiting maybe?
The group of people Will is held accountable by and works closely with. Do you know your Regional School Commissioner?
The education leader (and the academies group he founded) who helped him realise that he had to ‘be the culture’ of his organisation
The valued worker scheme that Will says has been useful retention tool at Greenshaw
The new organisation that Will founded recently - a community of educational leaders “who learn, grow, and lead in partnership with one another”. Sounds familiar #weareinbeta ;) I went to their recent conference in London - highly recommended. You might even see the back of my bald head on the homepage of their website! Join them here
One of the original self-improving, school-led system models that Will admires.
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🙋 If you’d like tell your story or nominate a school with an incredible story to tell check out the topics we’ll be exploring or tweet me @niallalcock
⭐Leave us a review and we’ll give you a shout out in the next episode
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