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It’s such a pleasure to see more and more you wanting to tune in to learn from inspiring school leaders like my guest this week, Clare Rees, Headteacher at Havelock Primary School.
Clare has spent the last three years asking some big questions:
How do you develop trust to move a school forward?
How do you develop an openness that sometimes isn’t there?
How do you develop a new style of leadership?
Not easy to answer, especially when you’re you are doing a research doctorate as well as your full-time headteacher role.
Clare is a phenomenal leader. I’m really excited to release Episode #6 of the We Are In Beta Podcast. She shares how she built trust in her school by creating a coaching culture.

So, take a break or schedule some time on your commute:
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What do we talk about in the podcast?
Why it’s her ‘grandmother’s fault’ she became a teacher
The advice her colleague gave her that she ignored
Why she didn’t believe she could do a doctorate but took it on anyway
How, over the course of three years, she gradually implemented and embedded a coaching culture
The difficulties she and her team faced and how she overcame them
What you need to get in place that makes building trust surprisingly easy
Why looking to hospitals could help solve teacher retention
What we need to do that will help teachers exceed all performance goals
The problem they face when implementing a zero-tolerance behaviour policy and what they did to make it disappear
How good behaviour for learning helps them to balance the books
The one question she could ask every headteacher if she could
Why she is optimistic about the future of education
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet us @NiallAlcock and @ReesCM4. We’d love to know what you think.
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The best In Beta bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that aims to capture the knowledge of inspiring school leaders.
As a thank you for being a valued member of the community, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve face so you don’t miss out on them - the partnerships, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
So what’s come up via Clare's interview?
Where Clare is doing her Doctorate. Want to follow in her footsteps?
The external consultant who trained her teachers to coach
An event Clare organised. This one’s been and gone but she is always organising community led events and there are some inspiring colleagues in here you could connect with.
The slides that capture what Clare said about Alison Peacock and irresistibility
Clare’s recent paper for the Chartered College of Teaching’s Impact Journal. If you’re not a member you can read it here.
An absolute treasure trove of action research projects, presentations and articles that demonstrate what a phenomenal leader Clare is and what an inspiring school Havelock is. Be sure to check out all the sessions.
A book that completely challenged their approach to behaviour management and transformed pupil behaviour at her school
The model that underpins their behaviour approach
A tool Havelock Primary used to amplify pupil voice and gain insights to inform their feedback policy
The software they used to track and reward positive behaviour successfully
The organisation that helped them get FREE books from their library
The 30- hour offer for nursery they do at Havelock
An overview of the community of practice Clare Runs with an upcoming We Are In Beta guest Jeremy Hannay (well worth following if you don’t already). I know they’d love t host you. Get in touch with them. @ReesCM4 @HannayJeremy
The first piece of research she always shares with teachers
Get involved in the community
🙋🎙️ If you’d like tell your story or nominate a school with an incredible story to tell on the podcast check out the topics we’ll be exploring or let me know what you’re working on here.
🙋📰 Not ready to share your story on the mic but still want to share what you are doing in your school with the community? Let me know and include it in community news.
Thanks for playing your part in making education the place we all know it can be.
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