The We Are In Beta Podcast is back after a bank holiday break. Hope you had a good one!
Welcome to all you new subscribers. Thank you so much for joining us.
You can catch up with previous episodes here.
I don’t know anyone who has more projects on the go at any one time than this week’s guest. She seems to magic up time in her day.
I’m really excited to release Episode #7, where the inspiring Hannah Wilson, Executive Headteacher of Aureus Primary and Secondary Schools, Oxfordshire, shares, amongst MANY brilliant things, how she built a mentally healthy school.
I’m also delighted to be helping her give away a ticket to what she describes as the best CPD event she been to lately. More below.

So, take a break or schedule some time on your commute:
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👀 Read the full transcription 📖
What do we talk about in the podcast?
How she got into teaching
The time when she could’ve left teaching for good and the time when she left a school without a role to go to next
The skills she’s learned that she never knew she’d need as a head
What the NPQs don’t teach that she learned when winning her local community over
How the values at Aureus have driven the design of their curriculum
The award they’ve been working towards that’s given them strategic vision on mental health
Why so many qualified teachers are not in the classroom anymore and how she’s tempting them back in
How she has recruited 2 years into the future without spending any money
How she manages to fund a very healthy CPD budget through both saving and generating income
The organisations she partners with to keep her team’s skills up to date in mindfulness, behaviour, values, literacy, leadership, and coaching.
How she generated a significant £64,000 of income through a number of different streams
Why SEND funding isn't fair and how to improve the situation
Why negativity about Ofsted doesn’t really bother her and why she’s looking forward to Aureus’ first inspection
How the off-rolling debate has made her question her previous experiences working in turnaround schools
The huge personal impact excluding students has had on her
The one question she would ask every headteacher if she could
Why she is optimistic about the future of education
💬 Join the conversation. Tweet us @NiallAlcock and @Ethical_Leader. We’d love to know what you think.
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The best In Beta bits
We Are In Beta is a positive space that aims to capture the knowledge of inspiring school leaders.
As a thank you for being a valued member of the community, I curate the practical strategies and solutions to the challenges they’ve faced so you don’t miss out on them - the partnerships, the programmes, the books and the blogs.
So what’s come up via Hannah's interview?
1. A blog about her approach to mental health. A treasure trove of helpful tips, people , organisations and events.
2. The recruitment strategy that meant she didn’t spend a penny on job ads. 6 clear strategies and how the interview tasks work.
3. What she thinks schools can do to encourage flexible working. Hannah succinctly outlines 10 practical ideas.
4. The CPD event that Hannah considers the best she’s been to recently - lucky for you, this year’s event is just around the corner - next date 19th June 2019 and Hannah is giving away a free ticket.
5. The Mental Health and Wellbeing network she runs - join them on Thursday 27th June 2019.
This is just a selection of the resources, organisations, people, books and blogs Hannah mentions. If you’d to access all of them let me know. I’ve collected them all and I’d be happy to share them.
Get involved in the community
🙋🎙️ If you’d like tell your story or nominate a school with an incredible story to tell on the podcast check out the topics we’ll be exploring or tweet me @niallalcock with what you’re working on
🙋📰 Not ready to share your story on the mic but still want to share what you are doing in your school with the community? Let me know and I’ll include it in community news.
So what about that giveaway?
Hannah is generously giving away a free ticket to the Leadership Matters ‘Unlocking Potential’ National Coaching Symposium on 19th June 2019. Check out her tweet below for a chance to win. Good luck!

Thanks for playing your part in making education the place we all know it can be.
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